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Обновлено 09.10.2023
#NameOtherCoord (J2000)TypeMaxMinSystemPeriodEpoch (JD)typeSpCommentL.CurveFind.ChartData
1Karachurin 122MASS J17271078+6145278, USNO-B1.0 1517-0246427, FBS 1726+61817 27 10.80 +61 45 27.8UGZ13.8 13.5414.9 16.19V/gB2

Type from vsnet-chat 7938. Range from ASAS-SN data. Light curve from CSS and ZTF data.

karachurin12-css-ztf-lc.png karachurin12-lc.pngkarachurin12.jpgkarachurin12-css-hjd.dat karachurin12-ztf-g.dat karachurin12-ztf-r.dat karachurin12-asassn.csv ZTF18aakvuwy
2Karachurin 142MASS J15114699-3456483, GSC2.3 S9H6047915, USNO-B1.0 0550-034496515 11 46.99 -34 56 48.4NL/VY:13.9 CV17.4 VCV/VMinimum magnitude from GSPC V2.4. Light curve from SSS data.karachurin14-sss-lc.png karachurin14-lc.pngkarachurin14.pngkarachurin14-sss-hjd.dat
3Karachurin 152MASS J23164323+0116401, USNO-B1.0 0912-056670623 16 43.23 +01 16 40.2UGZ/IW+VY13.4? 13.72 g 13.7 CV18.99 CVg/CVType and maximum magnitude from ZTF data. Light curve from CSS and ZTF data.karachurin15-css-ztf-lc.png karachurin15-css-lc.png karachurin15-lc.pngkarachurin15.jpgkarachurin15-css-hjd.dat karachurin15-ztf-g.dat karachurin15-ztf-r.dat karachurin15-ztf-i.dat ZTF18abtxxag, ZTF18abzyqas
4Karachurin 162MASS J12452340-3509562, GSC2.3 S6J5013792, USNO-B1.0 0548-027871812 45 23.43 -35 09 56.4UG15.618.73 CVCVLight curve from SSS data.karachurin16-sss-lc.png karachurin16-lc.pngkarachurin16.pngkarachurin16-sss-hjd.dat
5Khrapov 1USNO-B1.0 1398-0068145, ZTF18aabezub, 1RXS J024048.8+49520202 40 49.85 +49 51 54.9UG+VY:16.220.7 rrGaia DR2 derived MV=+7.3. Maximum magnitude from APASS data. Minimum magnitude derived from Gaia DR2. Type and range from ZTF data. Light curve from ASAS-SN and ZTF datakhrapov1-ztf-asas-lc.png khrapov1-asassn-lc.pngkhrapov1-brir.jpgkhrapov1-ztf-g.dat khrapov1-ztf-r.dat khrapov1-ztf-i.dat khrapov1-asassn-lc.dat ZTF18aabezub
6Khrapov 22MASS J07202922+4916255, USNO-B1.0 1392-018524607 20 29.21 +49 16 25.7AM:16.319.0 CVCVGaia parallax = 2.05+/-0.15 mas (distance = 487+/-36 pc). Light curve from CSS data.khrapov2-css-lc.png khrapov2-crts-lc.pngkhrapov2-brir.jpgkhrapov2-css-hjd.dat
7RSMR 12MASS J06365507+5557406, USNO-B1.0 1459-017653606 36 55.05 +55 57 40.7NL/VY17.121.0 ggGaia parallax = 2.51+/-0.25 mas (distance = 398+/-40 pc). Type and range from ZTF data. Light curve from CSS and ZTF data.rsmr1-css-ztf-lc.png rsmr1-crts-lc.pngrsmr1-brir.jpgrsmr1-css-hjd.dat rsmr1-ztf-g.dat rsmr1-ztf-r.dat ZTF18aabhjpn
8MEM 1USNO-B1.0 1069-014480407 16 17.95 +16 59 35.2CV16.419.6 VVMaximum magnitude from ASAS-SN data, minimum magnitude derived from USNO-B1.0. Animation of POSS-II Blue plates on 1996-11-13 and 1997-02-03. Light curve from ASAS-SN datamem1-ps1-ztf-asas-lc.png mem1-asassn-lc-vsx.pngmem1-brir.jpg mem1-dss-blue-anim.gifmem1-ztf-g.dat mem1-ztf-r.dat mem1-asassn-lc.csv
9LANAT 12MASS J22114319+5214336, USNO-B1.0 1422-0490414, Gaia20bgt22 11 43.20 +52 14 33.7UGZ:15.518.4 ggemDiscovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. Standstill in ZTF data during MJD= 58217-58270. Light curve from ZTF data.lanat1-ztf-lc.png lanat1-ztf-lc-vsx.pnglanat1-brir.jpglanat1-ztf-g.dat lanat1-ztf-r.dat ZTF17aaawrkt
10LANAT 22MASS J00145862+5941048, USNO-B1.0 1496-000783400 14 58.62 +59 41 04.7UG17.019.4 ggemDiscovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. Light curve from ZTF data.lanat2-ztf-lc.png lanat2-ztf-lc-vsx.pnglanat2-brir.jpglanat2-ztf-g.dat lanat2-ztf-r.dat ZTF17aaaedfi
11Exuzyan 1USNO-B1.0 1297-015286605 38 50.21 +39 45 42.6UGSU17.320.8 ggemDiscovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. Light curve from ZTF data.exuzyan1-ztf-lc.png exuzyan1-ztf-lc-vsx.pngexuzyan1-brir5x5.jpgexuzyan1-ztf-g.dat exuzyan1-ztf-r.dat ZTF18aaaedcd
12Exuzyan 22MASS J05101653+4021571, GSC2.3 NCA4018258, GSC2.3 NCA4067993, USNO-B1.0 1303-0118219, ZTF17aabizrq, Gaia20bjf05 10 16.55 +40 21 57.1UG16.519.7 ggemIn outburst in GSC2.3 (Bjmag. 15.6). Discovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. Light curve from ZTF data.exuzyan2-ztf-lc.png exuzyan2-ztf-lc-vsx.pngexuzyan2-brir.jpgexuzyan2-ztf-g.dat exuzyan2-ztf-r.dat ZTF17aabizrq
13Exuzyan 3USNO-B1.0 1460-044813923 19 15.81 +56 02 01.7NL16.918.2 ggDiscovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. Light curve from ZTF data.exuzyan3-ztf-lc.png exuzyan3-ztf-lc-vsx.pngexuzyan3-brir.jpgexuzyan3-ztf-g.dat exuzyan3-ztf-r.dat ZTF18abblvfk
14Exuzyan 4USNO-B1.0 1269-048236220 43 35.40 +36 54 48.0CV18.121.4 rremDiscovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. Light curve from ZTF data.exuzyan4-ztf-lc-vsx.png exuzyan4-ztf-lc-vsx2.png exuzyan4-gri5x5.jpgexuzyan4-ztf-g.dat exuzyan4-ztf-r.dat ZTF18aazfitj
15Mazepa 1USNO-B1.0 1457-038698722 07 09.64 +55 46 44.8UG17.721.0 ggSpectral type from 2008MNRAS.384.1277W? Light curve from ZTF and Pan-STARRS1 data.mazepa1-ps1-lc.pngmazepa1-brir5x5.jpgmazepa1-ztf-g.dat, mazepa1-ztf-r.dat
16Mazepa 22MASS J08023224+0102426, USNO-B1.0 0910-015810808 02 32.24 +01 02 42.4NL+E16.820.2: gg0.2038603 d (4.8926 h)14 Sep 2021 (HJD 2459472.0002)minFUV-NUV=-0.04 (GALEX DR6). Eclipse on 1954-12-04 POSS-I Blue plate. Light curve from ZTF data in g and r filters folded with the best orbital periodmazepa2-ztf-phased-lc.png mazepa2-ztf-phased-lc-vsx.pngmazepa2-brir.jpg mazepa2-dss-blue-anim.gifmazepa2-ztf-g.dat mazepa2-ztf-r.dat ZTF18aaabozq
17Rybka 1GSC2.3 N9PR035518, USNO-B1.0 1262-011418905 49 22.95 +36 13 26.6UG17.821.6 rremOutbursts on 1986-12-29 blue and 1989-11-19 infrared DSS plates. Light curve from Pan-STARRS1 data.rybka1-ps1-ztf-lc.png rybka1-ps-lc.pngrybka1-brir.jpgrybka1-ztf-g.dat rybka1-ztf-r.dat, rybka1-psg.dat, rybka1-psr.dat, rybka1-psi.dat
18Rybka 2ASASSN-21ty, Gaia23bao, ZTF19abuqlzt, GSC2.3 N2YH012776, USNO-B1.0 1304-047960022 31 37.46 +40 29 43.3UGSU+E16.321.1 gg0.0819486 d (118.006 min)26 Oct 2021 (HJD 2459513.8834)minOutburst on 1989-09-03 DSS red plate. Minimum magnitude from ZTF data. Type, period and epoch from vsnet-alert 26459. Maximum magnitude from ASAS-SN Transients. Light curve from Pan-STARRS1 data.rybka2-ps1-ztf-lc.png rybka2-ps1-lc-vsx.pngrybka2-brir.jpgrybka2-ztf-g.dat rybka2-ztf-r.dat rybka2-psg.dat rybka2-psr.dat rybka2-psi.dat
19Dizepa 1GSC2.3 N2UB12257722 24 23.84 +51 30 34.0UG17.621.7 rrType and range from ZTF data. Light curve from ZTF datadizepa1-ztf-lc.png dizepa1-ztf-lc-vsx.pngdizepa1-brir5x5.jpgdizepa1-ztf-g.dat dizepa2-ztf-r.dat ZTF18abnnidi
20APA-V1GSC2.3 N2MT038918, USNO-B1.0 1115-0557399, ZTF18abccndd21 20 09.80 +21 31 26.9UGSU:15.221.2 rrType from vsnet-alert 27256. Range from ZTF data. Light curve from ZTF dataapa-v1-ztf-lc.png apa-v1-ztf-lc-vsx.pngapa-v1-brir5x5.jpgapa-v1-ztf-g.dat apa-v1-ztf-r.dat ZTF18abccndd
21Shcheglov 1SDSS J010748.50+471159.2, URAT1 686-02341501 07 48.50 +47 11 59.2UG17.2 g21.8 rg/rOutburst on 2013 Oct. 02 Pan-STARRS1 images. Minimum magnitude from SDSS. Light curve from Pan-STARRS1 datashcheglov1-ps1-lc.png shcheglov1-ps1-lc-vsx.pngshcheglov1-brir.jpgshcheglov1-psg.dat shcheglov1-psr.dat shcheglov1-psi.dat
22Dizepa 2GSC2.3 NAGC012765, USNO-B1.0 1700-000938402 02 00.00 +80 00 48.7UG17.420.6 rrLight curve from Pan-STARRS1 datadizepa2-ps1-ztf-lc.png dizepa2-ps1-lc-vsx.pngdizepa2-brir.jpgdizepa2-psg.dat dizepa2-psr.dat dizepa2-psi.dat
23Taya 2GSC2.3 N2Q5048029, USNO-B1.0 1118-055657721 01 30.22 +21 48 56.3UG18.3 g22.2 Bg/BMaximum magnitude from ZTF data, minimum magnitude from GSC2.3. Light curve from Pan-STARRS1 and ZTF datataya2-ps1-ztf-lc.png taya2-ps1-ztf-lc-vsx.pngtaya2-brir5x5.jpgtaya2-ztf-g.dat taya2-ztf-r.dat taya2-ztf-i.dat taya2-psg.dat taya2-psr.dat taya2-psi.dat
24Minkovskiy 1GSC2.3 N2PF08343620 36 39.38 +20 17 43.6UG17.0 R22.7 iR/iDiscovered by 9th-grade student Artur Minkovskiy on DSS images. Outburst on 1992-08-31 POSS-II Red plate. Another outburst on 2011 July 19 - Aug. 06 Pan-STARRS1 images. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1. PanSTARRS-1 light curve of Minkovskiy 1 in g, r and i filtersminkovskiy1-ps-lc.pngminkovskiy1-2-brir.jpgminkovskiy1-psg.dat minkovskiy1-psr.dat minkovskiy1-psi.dat
25Minkovskiy 2GSC2.3 N2PD005009, USNO-B1.0 1103-0549124, ZTF18abktuwb20 36 28.42 +20 19 26.6UGZ/IW16.821.5gDiscovered by 9th-grade student Artur Minkovskiy on DSS plates 3' WNW of Minkovskiy 1. Type and period in 2017AJ....153..204S are incorrect. Light curve of Minkovskiy 2 from ATLAS data in c and o filters. Light curve of Minkovskiy 2 from ZTF data in g and r filters.minkovskiy2-atlas-lc.png minkovskiy2-ztf-lc.pngminkovskiy1-2-brir.jpgZTF18abktuwb, ZTF18adqqrtm
26Minkovskiy 3GSC2.3 N24L032316, ZTF18abbxjgd18 43 20.52 +29 12 48.9UG17.921.7 rr

Outburst on 1989-05-04 POSS-II Red plate. Range from ZTF data. Light curve from ZTF data in g and r filters

27Minkovskiy 4GSC2.3 N2FH192786, USNO-B1.0 1178-051779019 38 13.32 +27 53 03.8EA18.820.4 rr2.003715 (2.003723) d09 May 2018 (HJD 2458247.954)minEclipse on 1988-07-14 POSS-II Blue plate. Light curve from ZTF DR5 folded with the best orbital periodminkovskiy4-ztf-phased-lc.png minkovskiy4-ztf-phased-lc-vsx.pngminkovskiy4-brir5x5.jpgminkovskiy4-ztf-g.dat minkovskiy4-ztf-r.dat
28Minkovskiy 52MASS J18335246+0644492, GSC2.3 N1RY045562, USNO-B1.0 0967-040089418 33 52.48 +06 44 49.3EA17.418.8 rr1.68741 d02 Jul 2019 (HJD 2458667.166)minLight curve from ZTF DR5 folded with the best periodminkovskiy5-ztf-phased.pngminkovskiy5-brir.png
29Minkovskiy 62MASS J18162799+0319295, GSC2.3 N1MN07530018 16 27.99 +03 19 29.6EA/WD17.4117.73 rr0.2428935 d (5.82944 h)25 Jan 2019 (HJD 2458509.09)minMin II = 17.56r. FUV-NUV = -0.22 (GALEX). Light curve from ZTF DR5 folded with the best orbital periodminkovskiy6-ztf-phased.pngminkovskiy6-brir5x5.jpg
30Shcheglov 3GSC2.3 S90L03394615 26 27.34 -23 01 43.4UG17.6 B22.7 rB/rOutburst on 1976-05-21 Blue DSS plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1--shcheglov3-jrir.jpg shcheglov3-gri2x2.jpg
31Minkovskiy 7GSC2.3 N1MA046631, Gaia22bet, ZTF18abrxeop18 18 19.78 +03 58 15.0UG17.221.5 rrOutburst on 1993-05-27 POSS-II Red plate. Light curve from ZTF data in g and r filtersminkovskiy7-ztf-lc.png minkovskiy7-ztf-lc-vsx-wrong-title.pngminkovskiy7-brir.jpgminkovskiy7-ztf-g.dat minkovskiy7-ztf-r.dat ZTF18abrxeop
32Minkovskiy 82MASS J18153954+0534220, GSC2.3 N1M9059733, USNO-B1.0 0955-034672518 15 39.55 +05 34 22.0EA16.418.2 rr1.875252 d28 Jan 2019 (HJD 2458511.519)minEclipse on 1993-05-27 POSS-II Red plate. Period and range from ZTF DR5. Light curve from ZTF DR5 folded with the best periodminkovskiy8-ztf-phased.pngminkovskiy8-brir-10x10.png
33Minkovskiy 92MASS J17451072-1850332, GSC2.3 S809006801, USNO-B1.0 0711-048757617 45 10.72 -18 50 33.2M13.617.2 oo380 d07 Nov 2020 (HJD 2459161)maxLight curve folded with the best period. Light curve from ATLAS dataminkovskiy9-atlas-lc.png minkovskiy9-atlas-phased.pngminkovskiy9-brir.jpgminkovskiy9-atlas-o-cleaned-0.5magerr.dat
34Minkovskiy 10GSC2.3 N24J020387, ZTF18absaric18 47 49.12 +25 33 09.2UG17.821.4 ggLight curve from ZTF data in r and g filterminkovskiy10-lc.pngminkovskiy10-brir.jpgZTF18absaric
35Minkovskiy 112MASS J19451406+3329280, GSC2.3 N2GT212052, USNO-B1.0 1234-039012219 45 14.06 +33 29 28.6EA18.320.7 gg2.643264 d15 May 2019 (HJD 2458619.412)minLight curve from ZTF DR7 folded with the best orbital periodminkovskiy11-ztf-phased.pngminkovskiy11-brir-7x7.jpg
36Minkovskiy 12GSC2.3 N2GT210710, USNO-B1.0 1234-039109919 45 29.06 +33 28 15.6UG15.4 g19.8 Gg/GMinimum magnitude from Gaia DR2. Light curve from Pan-STARRS1 data in g, r and i filtersminkovskiy12-ps1-lc.pngminkovskiy12-brir5x5.jpg
37Minkovskiy 13GSC2.3 N2GM15253419 33 27.00 +32 52 49.2UG18.222.8: rrOutburst on 1988-06-12 POSS-II blue plate. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1. Light curve from ZTF data in r filterminkovskiy13-ztf-lc.pngminkovskiy13-brir.png
38DAV V1Lee 284, 2MASS J05475413+5023364, DO 29668, USNO-B1.0 1403-016178005 47 54.12 +50 23 36.6L10.411.4 VVC5+,4Spectral type from 1997ApJS..112..557K. Combined light curve from ASAS-SN and ZTF datadavv1-asassn-ztf-lc.pngdavv1-brir.jpg
39DAV V2GSC2.3 N7JO00229011 26 35.53 +49 25 04.3UG15.1 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1995-04-24 POSS-II blue plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--davv2-br.jpg
40DAV V3 ATO J073.5027+54.54202MASS J04540067+5432313, USNO-B1.0 1445-014331304 54 00.67 +54 32 31.3SR13.013.4 rr38.7 d12 Sep 2020 (HJD 2459105.0)maxLight curve from ZTF data in g and r filters. Light curve from ZTF data folded with the best pulsation perioddavv3-ztf-lc.png davv3-ztf-phased_lc.pngdavv3-brir.jpg
41Lisniak 12MASS J18152196+0547464, GSC2.3 N1M2013208, USNO-B1.0 0957-034739118 15 21.97 +05 47 46.6SR14.415.1 rr59.6 d23 Jul 2020 (HJD 2459054.0)maxJ-K= 1.4 (2MASS). Light curve from ZTF DR8 folded with the best pulsation period. Light curve from ZTF DR8 showing long-term variations.lisniak1-ztf-phased_lc.png lisniak1-ztf-lc.pnglisniak1-brir5x5.jpg
42Kachalin 32MASS J18152230+0544236, USNO-B1.0 0957-034739618 15 22.31 +05 44 23.7BY16.516.7 rr6.801 d29 Sep 2018 (HJD 2458390.62)minLight curve from ZTF data folded with the best period. Light curve from ZTF data in g and r filterskachalin3-ztf-lc.png kachalin3-phased_lc.pngkachalin3-brir5x5.jpg
43Minkovskiy 14GSC2.3 N2JL076237, USNO-B1.0 1267-0332999, ZTF19aaumqle19 13 49.42 +36 44 25.7UGSU:17.521.4 rrOutburst on 1989-07-01 POSS-II Blue plate. Light curve from ZTF data in r and g filters.minkovskiy14-ztf-lc.pngminkovskiy14-brir.pngZTF19aaumqle
44KazakevichOA 1GSC2.3 N1YT062448, Gaia21fpv, ZTF19aavhrup20 00 02.87 +10 27 37.2UG17.3<23 rrOutburst on 1991-07-17 POSS-II red plate. Maximum magnitude from ZTF (Lasair) data. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--kazakevichoa1-brir5x5.jpgZTF19aavhrup
45Minkovskiy 152MASS J18420998+1305215, GSC2.3 N28J098717, USNO-B1.0 1030-0398784, ZTF18ablnbgx18 42 09.98 +13 05 21.7EA17.4218.2 rr1.3870743 d17 Oct 2019 (HJD 2458773.595)minLight curve from ZTF DR8 folded with the best periodminkovskiy15-ztf-phased.pngminkovskiy15-brir.pngZTF18ablnbgx
46Minkovskiy 162MASS J19534454+3838432, GSC2.3 N2FQ131991, USNO-B1.0 1286-036968519 53 44.55 +38 38 43.4EA17.518.8 rr5.1837 d08 Oct 2019 (HJD 2458764.707)minLight curve from ATLAS and ZTF DR8 folded with the best periodminkovskiy16-lc.pngminkovskiy16-brir.png
47Minkovskiy 17USNO-B1.0 1252-041751120 40 16.47 +35 12 45.6EA17.118.7 rr6.2529 d15 May 2020 (HJD 2458985.104)minLight curve from ATLAS and ZTF (and Pan-STARRS1?) folded with the best periodminkovskiy17-lc.pngminkovskiy17-brir-ps1gri.png
48Shustov 12MASS J20524358+4939259, GSC2.3 N30U027050, USNO-B1.0 1396-037300520 52 43.59 +49 39 26.1SR16.917.8 rr79.3 d18 Jun 2018 (HJD 2458288.0)maxP2=635 d, Epoch2=2458340. Light curve from ATLAS and ZTF data folded with two pulsation periods. Long term light curve from ATLAS and ZTF datashustov1-atlas-ztf-phased_lc.png shustov1-atlas-ztf-lc.pngshustov1-brir.jpg
49KazakevichOA 2GSC2.3 N1XM073452, ZTF19abiwnte19 57 29.77 +10 22 20.2UG19.223: rrOutburst on 1990-07-27 POSS-II Blue plate. Maximum magnitude from ZTF (Lasair) data. Approximate minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--kazakevichoa2-brir5x5.jpgZTF19abiwnte
50Minkovskiy 182MASS J20435282+3208022, GSC2.3 N34O008205, USNO-B1.0 1221-058574720 43 52.87 +32 08 02.6EA18.220.7: gg2.993 d15 May 2019 (HJD 2458618.64)minLight curve from ZTF folded with the best periodminkovskiy18-ztf-phased-lc.pngminkovskiy18-brir.png
51Minkovskiy 192MASS J19435233+1421335, GSC2.3 N1UL022715, USNO-B1.0 1043-051657119 43 52.35 +14 21 33.6EA18.120.3 gg2.087 d12 Aug 2018 (HJD 2458343.29)minLight curve from ZTF folded with the best periodminkovskiy19-ztf-lc.pngminkovskiy19-brir.png
52KazakevichOA 3GSC2.3 N1WD04951720 01 44.96 +00 46 59.1UG16.6 B23: gB/gOutburst on 1982-08-16 SERC-J plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC 2.3. Approximate minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1.--kazakevichoa3-jr6x6.jpg
53DAV V4GSC2.3 S02201703300 06 20.22 -17 38 42.7UG17.8 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1977-11-04 DSS blue plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3 Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--davv4-jr6x6.jpg
54KazakevichOA 4GSC2.3 S9YD04851619 57 44.32 -01 42 20.7UG15.5 B22.1 gB/gOutburst on 1982-08-16 SERC-J plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC 2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1.--kazakevichoa4-jr6x6.jpg
55Minkovskiy 20GSC2.3 N2IX118496, USNO-B1.0 1299-035858919 50 10.14 +39 57 51.2EA19.621.5: gg2.251327 d20 Nov 2020 (HJD 2459174.27)minLight curve from ZTF folded with the best periodminkovskiy20-ztf-lc.pngminkovskiy20-brir.png
56Gusev 12MASS J21383674+4855010, GSC2.3 N2UZ130652, USNO-B1.0 1389-041293421 38 36.74 +48 55 01.1M16.318.4 rr445 d10 May 2018 (HJD 2458249)maxC:Light curve from ZTF data. Light curve folded with the best pulsation periodgusev1-ztf-phased-lc.png gusev1-ztf-lc.pnggusev1-brir.jpg
57Lisniak 22MASS J17443645+1316141, GSC2.3 N38Q018052, USNO-B1.0 1032-030767517 44 36.45 +13 16 13.9NL17.417.6 rrFUV-NUV=-0.54 (GALEX DR5). M_abs=+5.5 (Gaia EDR3). Light curve from ZTF DR9 and ATLAS datalisniak2-atlas-lc.png lisniak2-ztf-lc.pnglisniak2-brir.jpg
58Minkovskiy 212MASS J18421898+1253090, GSC2.3 N28G148621, USNO-B1.0 1028-043952618 42 18.99 +12 53 09.2EA17.0619.4: rr3.2214 d31 Mar 2020 (HJD 2458939.76)minLight curve from ZTF folded with the best periodminkovskiy21-ztf-phased-lc.pngminkovskiy21-brir.png
59DAV V5GSC2.3 S5IO01668010 47 38.47 -17 21 36.9UG19.4 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1984-01-30 POSS-II blue plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC 2.3. Minimum magnitude from PanSTARRS-1 images.--davv5-jr.jpg
60Lisniak 3USNO-B1.0 0758-0677744, Gaia22beg19 36 37.53 -14 08 30.4UG16.4 B23.7 gB/gOutburst on 1980-07-12 Blue DSS plate. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1, maximum magnitude from USNO-B1.0.--lisniak3-jr6x6.jpg
61Gusev 32MASS J21224796+4935165, GSC2.3 N2TJ075654, USNO-B1.0 1395-039674521 22 47.96 +49 35 16.5M15.2 Rc19.9 rRc/gJ-K=3.1 (2MASS). Maximum magnitude from USNO-B1.0, minimum from ZTF data. Light curve from ZTF DR10gusev3-ztf-lc.pnggusev3-brir5x5.jpg
62DAV V62MASS J17120525-2441429, GSC2.3 S8CW005608, USNO-B1.0 0653-042849517 12 05.25 -24 41 42.8SR15.215.7 rr127 d09 Apr 2019 (HJD 2458583)maxP2=112, Epoch2=2458572. Light curve from ZTF data folded with the best and the second pulsation periodsdavv6-ztf-phased-lc.png davv6-ztf-secondary-phased-lc.pngdavv6-rir.jpg
63Baraldi 12MASS J06063044+3455254, GSC2.3 N8B7013479, USNO-B1.0 1249-012103606 06 30.45 +34 55 25.4UV17.520.1 BBM4.5Flare on 1997-03-10 POSS-II Blue plate. Range from USNO-B1.0. Spectral type from 2016MNRAS.457.2192C--baraldi1-brir.jpg baraldi1-o-b.jpg
64BhaNaViRa 1PSO J194629.686+115207.601, ZTF18acwrtad19 46 29.68 +11 52 07.4UG17.823: rrOutburst on 1990-08-13 POSS-II Blue plate. Maximum magnitude from ZTF (ALeRCE) data. Approximate minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--bhanavira1-brir5x5.jpg
65DAV V72MASS J19570232+3034423, GSC2.3 N32G19166619 57 02.33 +30 34 42.4M14.8<18.0 ii328 d15 Aug 2020 (HJD 2459077)maxLight curve from ZTF DR10 folded with the best pulsation perioddavv7-phased-lc-vsx.png davv7-ztf-lc.pngdavv7-brir5x5.jpg
66Minkovskiy 22GSC2.3 SA5J062679, ZTF19abraaje19 30 13.33 -08 07 53.7NL+E:19.321.7 rrMinimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1. Zoomed light curve showing an eclipse on MJD= 58731.196 - 58731.216. Zoomed light curve showing an eclipse on MJD= 58730.165 - 58730.22minkovskiy22-ztf-lc.png minkovskiy22-ztf-lc2.png minkovskiy22-ztf-lc3.pngminkovskiy22-brir-5x5.pngZTF19abraaje
67BhaNaViRa 22MASS J20363987+3539141, USNO-B1.0 1256-041700420 36 39.87 +35 39 14.0SR15.817.2 rr912 d07 Jun 2022 (HJD 2459738)minElements in the table are for the minima of the Long Secondary Period (LSP). Also pulsations with P= 112 d. Minimum magnitude from SDSS. Light curve from ZTF DR10 in g and r filters folded with the long pulsation periodbhanavira2-phased-lc.png bhanavira2-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira2-brir.jpg
68DAV V82MASS J18485565+0305063, GSC2.3 N1NT030045, ZTF18absdumh18 48 55.66 +03 05 06.3M15.7<18.5 ii349.65 d16 Apr 2020 (HJD 2458955.98715)minOGLE data: 2022ApJS..260...46I. Light curve from ZTF r and i filters folded with the best pulsation period.davv8-ztf-ogle-phased-lc.png davv8-ztf-ogle-lc.png davv8-phased-lc.png davv8-ztf-lc.png ogle-gd-lpv-021551.pngdavv8-jrir6x6.jpgdavv8-ztf-i.dat davv8-ztf-r.dat ogle-gd-lpv-021551.dat davv8-ogle-ztf-i.dat
69DAV V92MASS J18290234-0825394, OGLE-GD-LPV-018228, GSC2.3 S9OF07451818 29 02.35 -08 25 39.5M16.1<18.9 ii359.5 d25 Aug 2020 (HJD 2459087.0)maxPeriod from 2022ApJS..260...46I Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1. Light curve from ZTF DR10 in r and i filters folded with the best pulsation period. davv9-phased-lc.png davv9-ztf-lc.pngdavv9-jrir6x6.jpg
70DAV V102MASS J18493478+0323473, GSC2.3 N1NV03512218 49 34.79 +03 23 47.2M>16.118.5 iiMaximum magnitude from IPHAS DR2. Light curve from ZTF DR10 in i filterdavv10-ztf-lc.pngdavv10-brir.jpg
71Minkovskiy 232MASS J19431861+3310081, GSC2.3 N2GV043397, USNO-B1.0 1231-043352319 43 18.63 +33 10 08.0EA17.5219.9 gg2.7129 d11 Aug 2018 (HJD 2458342.4)minLight curve from ZTF folded with the best periodminkovskiy23-ztf-lc.pngminkovskiy23-brir-10x10.png
72Lisniak 4GSC2.3 S9NX02555318 14 29.38 -08 38 15.0UG16.7 B23: gB/gMaximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Approximate minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--lisniak4-dss-ps.jpg A comparison of two images showing the object bright (DSS plate) and faint (PS1 z-zg-g image).
73DAV V112MASS J18505837+0153276, GSC2.3 N1NZ02822318 50 58.38 +01 53 27.6M17.5:20.7: ii371.74720 Jul 2021 (HJD 2459416.4642)minLight curve from ZTF datadavv11-ztf-lc.pngdavv11.pngdavv11-ztf-i.dat davv11-atlas.txt
74BhaNaViRa 32MASS J10155540-0540052, GSC2.3 S52U003612, USNO-B1.0 0843-020900610 15 55.40 -05 40 05.1UV17.6 R20.2 GR/GFlare on 1986-03-31 POSS-II Red plate. Maximum magnitude from USNO-B1.0. Minimum magnitude from Gaia DR3.--bhanavira3-brir6x6.jpg
75Gusev 42MASS J21224020+4935392, GSC2.3 N2TJ035177, USNO-B1.0 1395-039664821 22 40.21 +49 35 39.2EA17.3<21.0 rr2.0475 d15 Oct 2019 (HJD 2458772.32)minLight curve from ZTF DR10 folded with the best orbital periodgusev4-ztf-phased-lc.png gusev4-ztf-lc.pnggusev4-brir5x5.jpg
76BhaNaViRa 5GSC2.3 N347071005, USNO-B1.0 1255-042041020 37 46.47 +35 30 12.3UG|YSO:19.3 B22.3 gB/gBrighter on 1989-06-30 POSS-II blue plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.2. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1.--bhanavira5.png
77Arinkin 12MASS J03032084+6029284, USNO-B1.0 1504-010250903 03 20.83 +60 29 28.4YSO16.917.4 rrB7.0Minimum magnitude from IPHAS DR2. Spectral type from 2011ApJ...726...18K. Light curve from ZTF DR13arinkin1-ztf-lc.pngarinkin1-brir.jpg
78DAV V12Gaia DR3 409518273899329510418 02 59.78 -19 58 45.5L17.618.4 iiUncertain identiification. 0.8" pair of red stars. The NW component, brighter (G= 19.2) in Gaia DR3, has been chosen as the variable. The other star is 2MASS J18025980-1958459 (G= 19.5). Combined range given. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1.davv12-ztf-lc.pngdavv12-rir5x5.jpg
79BhaNaViRa 6GSC2.3 NAPK01820805 56 14.92 +50 31 55.0SN|UG18.1 R<23 rR/rOutburst on 1989-12-04 POSS-II Red plate. 24'' NE from the center of the galaxy 2MASX J05561281+5031408. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--bhanavira6-brir.jpg
80DAV V132MASS J18281545-1318372, GSC2.3 S9JW10182818 28 15.45 -13 18 37.2L17.417.6 iiLight curve from ZTF DR13 in i filterdavv13-ztf-lc.pngdavv13-rir5x5.jpg
81BhaNaViRa 4GSC2.3 N3QT00559916 01 30.44 +08 01 09.0UG:17.9 R<24 rR/rOutburst on 1989-04-08 POSS-II Red plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Approximate minimum magnitude from DECaLS images.--bhanavira4.png
82BhaNaViRa 7Gaia DR3 202546940389971801619 36 22.41 +28 15 29.0UG17.2 CR20.4 rCR/rApproximate maximum magnitude from 1995-08-03 POSS-II red plate. Minimum magnitude derived from IPHAS DR2--bhanavira7.png
83DAV V142MASS J19120236+0834324, GSC2.3 N2BI13723719 12 02.36 +08 34 32.4L18.619.6: iiMinimum magnitude from PanSTARRS-1. Light curve from ZTF DR13 in i filterdavv14-ztf-lc.pngdavv14.png
84Vizgin 12MASS J18245594-101438918 24 55.94 -10 14 39.0YSO:18.720.1: iiLight curve from ZTF DR13vizgin1-ztf-lc.pngvizgin1-brir5x5.jpg
85BhaNaViRa 8 Gaia DR3 20566070234081052162MASS J20351475+3513598 GSC2.3 N346015798 USNO-B1.0 1252-041121120 35 14.76 +35 13 59.7SRB14.014.7 rr68 d20 Jun 2019 (HJD 2458655)maxOther period 82 days. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1. Light curve from ZTF DR13 in r filter folded with the best periodbhanavira8-ztf-phased-lc.png bhanavira8-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira8-brir.jpg
86BhaNaViRa 9Gaia DR3 204544708348095436819 38 32.77 +32 58 11.0UG17.4 B21.6 gB/gApproximate maximum magnitude from 1988-06-12 Blue DSS plate. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 g image.--bhanavira9-brir5x5.jpg
87BhaNaViRa 102MASS J06343849+0413088, GSC2.3 N83301400106 34 38.49 +04 13 08.9YSO19.420.7 rrLight curve from ZTF databhanavira10-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira10.png
88DAV V152MASS J17573051-1847430, USNO-B1.0 0712-051873017 57 30.52 -18 47 43.1L18.019.9 iiMinimum magnitude from PanSTARRS-1. Maximum magnitude from ATLAS-REFCAT2. Light curve from ZTF DR13 in i filterdavv15-ztf-lc.pngdavv15.png (плохое качество!)
89BhaNaViRa 112MASS J18123068-1746159, GSC2.3 S9J903971318 12 30.68 -17 46 15.8L16.817.0 iiMSpectral type from Gaia DR3. Light curve from ZTF DR13 in i filterbhanavira11-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira11.png
90BhaNaViRa 12GSC2.3 S9M809764718 51 14.76 -05 09 24.0UG:17.0 B23.8 rB/rMinimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3.--bhanavira12-ug.png
91Vizgin 22MASS J19443022+233451019 44 30.21 +23 34 50.8YSO19.621.3 rrLight curve from ZTF DR13 in r and i filtersvizgin2-ztf-lc.pngvizgin2-brir5x5.jpg
92BhaNaViRa 142MASS J18055611-213500818 05 56.12 -21 35 00.8YSO18.619.8 iiLight curve from ZTF DR13 in i filterbhanavira14-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira14-orir5x5.jpg
93Vizgin 32MASS J18281469-0341187, GSC2.3 S9IJ02462918 28 14.70 -03 41 18.6L18.518.7 iiLight curve from ZTF DR13vizgin3-ztf-lc.pngvizgin3-brir.jpg
94BhaNaViRa 152MASS J18275006-131555418 27 50.06 -13 15 55.3YSO17.518.6 iiLight curve from ZTF DR13 in i filterbhanavira15-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira15-orir5x5.jpg
95BhaNaViRa 16GSC2.3 N5Z4013338, USNO-B1.0 1443-023904215 03 04.78 +54 22 30.2UV+BY16.617.6 ggM4VSpectral type from 2016MNRAS.457.2192C. Light curve from ZTF DR13 in g filterbhanavira16-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira16-brir.jpgZTF18aaqmvjx
96BhaNaViRa 17GSC2.3 N2FJ08639119 40 08.77 +28 58 03.9UG:17.4 R<23 rR/rMaximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--bhanavira17-brir5x5.jpg
97ShatalovaJ 12MASS J15552271+2645028, GSC2.3 N64V003636, USNO-B1.0 1167-026631215 55 22.64 +26 45 02.7UV19.3 B21.9 gB/gM5.0VFlare on 1990-05-17 Blue DSS plate. Spectral type from 2016MNRAS.457.2192C. Maximum magnitude estimated from the POSS-II Blue plate, minimum magnitude from SDSS DR16.--shatalovaj1-brir.jpg shatalovaj1-poss-blue.jpg Comparison of Blue DSS plates from 1990-05-17 (flare) and 1950-05-18 (quiescence)
98Lisniak 5GSC2.3 N5CO01110013 16 11.48 +23 17 17.4UG17.5 B<23 gB/gMaximum magnitude from GSC 2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--lisniak5-brir.jpg
99BhaNaViRa 13GSC2.3 SA5J05462319 30 54.39 -08 24 23.4VAR18.1 B24.3 gB/gOutburst on 1983-07-14 DSS blue plate. Uncertain identification. Object looks too red for a dwarf nova and is 1" to the WSW of the GSC2.3 position. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 data.--bhanavira13.jpg
100BhaNaViRa 182MASS J14201486+5722219, GSC2.3 N48Q003240, USNO-B1.0 1473-029150214 20 14.87 +57 22 21.9UV15.818.6 ggM4VSpectral type from 2016MNRAS.457.2192C. Light curve from ZTF DR14 in g and r filtersbhanavira18-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira18-ztf.png Comparison of ZTF-20180419322650 (flare) and ZTF-20180419349479 (quiescence) plates.
101BhaNaViRa 19GSC2.2 N02333036255819 10 14.68 +17 05 15.3UG:18.9 B22: gB/gThe object's magnitude in GSC2.2 is the same as the GSC2.3 magnitude (18.86) for GSC2.3 N2CZ062558, which is 1.0" to the E. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.2. Approximate minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 g image.--bhanavira19-dss-br.png bhanavira19-ps1-g.jpg
102DAV V16GSC2.3 S04L00677000 57 58.42 -06 23 24.2SN:18.5 B<24.5: rB/rOutburst on 1982-11-19 DSS blue plate. DES J005758.40-062323.8, classified as a galaxy, is 0.4" away from the GSC2.3 position. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from DES.--davv16.png
103BhaNaViRa 20GSC2.2 S22223209376316 37 29.31 -28 41 41.6UG:18.4 B<23 gB/gMaximum magnitude from GSC2.2. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--bhanavira20-ps-dss.png
104BhaNaViRa 212MASS J18274991-1315522, GSC2.3 S9JW102186, USNO-B1.0 0767-050685918 27 49.91 -13 15 52.2YSO18.019.0 rrLight curve from ZTF DR13 in r filterbhanavira21-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira21-orir.jpg
105BhaNaViRa 222MASS J18041531-2101328, GSC2.3 S9J704592318 04 15.31 -21 01 32.9SR15.816.0 ii41 d28 May 2020 (HJD 2458998)maxLight curve from ZTF DR13 in i filter folded with the best pulsation periodbhanavira22-ztf-phased-lc.png bhanavira22-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira22-orir5x5.jpg
106DAV V17GSC2.3 SBLR00928822 44 47.48 -28 07 22.2UG:16.2 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1980-09-30 DSS blue plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3.--davv17.png
107DAV V18GSC2.3 S34J01341002 59 10.89 -27 32 35.5SN:18.4 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1977-12-12 DSS blue plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1 images.--davv18.png
108BhaNaViRa 252MASS J18074942-2155576, GSC2.3 SA6B009713, USNO-B1.0 0680-064936518 07 49.43 -21 55 57.7SR15.816.1 rr32.6 d03 Aug 2019 (HJD 2458698.6)maxLight curve from ZTF DR15 folded with the best pulsation periodbhanavira25-ztf-phased-lc.pngbhanavira25-orir.jpg
109BhaNaViRa 232MASS J18032071-2052521, GSC2.3 S9J7010983, USNO-B1.0 0691-057272218 03 20.72 -20 52 52.3L16.8816.97 rrLight curve from ZTF DR15 in r filterbhanavira23-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira23-br.png
110BhaNaViRa 242MASS J18034395-2036518, GSC2.3 S9J704683318 03 43.96 -20 36 51.9L15.615.9 iiLight curve from ZTF DR15 in i filterbhanavira24-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira24-ps-dss.png
111BhaNaViRa 262MASS J18024763-2015037, GSC2.3 S9J604479718 02 47.64 -20 15 03.7L15.015.2 iiLight curve from ZTF DR15 in i filterbhanavira26-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira26.png
112BhaNaViRa 272MASS J18031038-2051508, GSC2.3 S9J7046306, USNO-B1.0 0691-057237718 03 10.38 -20 51 51.1L16.5516.71 iiLight curve from ZTF DR15 in i filterbhanavira27-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira27-orir.jpg
113BhaNaViRa 282MASS J18274029-0327053, GSC2.3 S9IJ02472318 27 40.30 -03 27 05.5L17.2017.46 iiLight curve from ZTF DR15 in i filterbhanavira28-ztf-lc.pngbhanavira28-orir.jpg
114Brodskaya 1PSO J114739.493+612535.05311 47 39.49 +61 25 35.0UV18.724.3: rrFlare on PanSTARRS-1 red image on 2012 Mar. 28. Range and position from PanSTARRS-1.--brodskaya1-brir.jpg
115DAV V192MASS J18281708-1332177, GSC2.3 S9JW09973618 28 17.08 -13 32 17.8L18.119.2: iiMinimum magnitude from PanSTARRS-1. Light curve from ZTF DR16 in i filterdavv19-ztf-lc.pngdavv19-orir6x6.jpg
1DDE 2032MASS J19442324+0603253, USNO-B1.0 0960-048121319 44 23.26 +06 03 25.3EA16.7620.2 gg1.662489 d25 Jun 2019 (HJD 2458660.246)minEclipses on 1993-06-16 POSS-II Red plate and on 1982-06-24 Quick-V plate. Light curve from ZTF data folded with the best orbital perioddde203-ztf-phased-lc.pngdde203-brir5x5.jpg
2DDE 204 ZTF18abuclqiGSC2.3 N1XW034389, AT 2019elf20 16 48.60 +06 01 36.7UG17.921.8 ggOutburst on 1988-07-08 POSS-II Blue plate. Light curve from ZTF data in r filterdde204-ztf-lc.pngdde204-brir5x5.jpg
3DDE 2052MASS J19255660+0609479, USNO-B1.0 0961-043894119 25 56.61 +06 09 47.9EA17.4 (16.7 r) 20.3: gg2.470008 d30 Mar 2018 (HJD 2458208.048)minEclipse on 1992-08-01 POSS-II Red plate. Light curve from ZTF data folded with the best orbital perioddde205-ztf-phased-lc.pngdde205-brir5x5.jpg
4DDE 206USNO-B1.0 0733-009611306 11 39.28 -16 37 47.3EA/HW18.2<20.0 gg0.1124801 d (2.69952 h)13 Jan 2020 (HJD 2458861.892)minReflection effect amplitude 0.25 mag. Light curve from ZTF data folded with the best orbital perioddde206-ztf-phased-lc.pngdde206-jrir.jpg
5DDE 2072MASS J19193618+0643468, USNO-B1.0 0967-045389419 19 36.19 +06 43 46.8EA17.218.9 gg3.82714 d20 Nov 2020 (HJD 2459173.649)minEclipse on 1992-08-01 POSS-II Red plate. Light curve from ZTF data folded with the best orbital perioddde207-ztf-phased-lc.gifdde207-brir5x5.jpg
6DDE 208 ATO J108.2755-08.75612MASS J07130613-0845218, USNO-B1.0 0812-0129928, Gaia22chq, ZTF17aaagrxo07 13 06.13 -08 45 22.0 AM15.819.2 rr0.0829019 d (119.3787 min)01 Nov 2017 (HJD 2458059.029)minMinimum epoch is given. Maxima at phases 0.25 and 0.83, Min II = 17.8 g at phase 0.37. Shape of the light curve is varying. Light curve from ATLAS (Oct. 2015 - May 2021) data and phase plots from ZTF r (January 2019) and ATLAS o (2018-2019 and 2020-2021) data. Minimum magnitude from ZTF (Lasair) data. Maximum magnitude derived from Gaia Alerts data.dde208-1rxs-j0713-0845-ztf-atlas-phased-lc.pngdde208-jrir.jpg
7DDE 2092MASS J20573222-1804567, USNO-B1.0 0719-105725320 57 32.22 -18 04 56.9NL14.314.5 rrFUV-NUV=-0.47 (GALEX). M_abs=+5.5 (Gaia EDR3). Range from ATLAS data. Light curve from CSS, ZTF and ATLAS datadde209-css-ztf-atlas-lc.pngdde209-jrir.jpg
8DDE 210GSC2.3 N2QK04358820 48 33.58 +14 42 06.0UG15.9 R22.8 rR/rOutbursts on 1990-08-17 POSS-II Red and 1993-07-13 IR plates. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude and position from SDSS.--dde210-brir.jpg
9DDE 211GSC2.3 N38M019705, USNO-B1.0 1046-0314806, Gaia22dek, ZTF18abrzeze17 57 24.21 +14 40 16.5UG17.520.5 ggOutburst on 1992-06-28 POSS-II Blue plate. Range from ZTF data. Light curve from ZTF DR5dde211-ztf-lc.pngdde211-br5x5.jpg
10DDE 212USNO-B1.0 1090-027310717 25 22.21 +19 00 49.1HADS18.418.8 cc0.0563777 d (81.1839 min)22 May 2020 (HJD 2458992.151)maxLight curve from ATLAS data in c and o filters folded with the best pulsation perioddde212-atlas-phased-lc.pngdde212-gri5x5.jpg
11DDE 213GSC2.3 N2DB11928119 07 08.08 +15 40 33.0UG18.221.1 ggOutburst on 1990-06-22 POSS-II Blue plate. Range from ZTF data. Light curve from ZTF DR5dde213-ztf-lc.pngdde213-brir5x5.jpg
12DDE 214GSC2.3 N2OU07145920 29 32.88 +15 46 31.6UG18.223.5: rrOutburst on 1990-06-22 POSS-II Blue plate. Maximum magnitude from ZTF (Lasair) observations, minimum magnitude from PanSTARRS-1.--dde214-brir5x5.jpg
13DDE 2152MASS J18350035+1427311, USNO-B1.0 1044-036058318 35 00.36 +14 27 31.2EA17.018.7 gg1.324065 d 13 Nov 2020 (HJD 2459167.119)minEclipses on 1990-06-21 and 1990-06-25 POSS-II Blue plates. Period and range from ZTF DR5. Light curve from ZTF data folded with the best orbital perioddde215-ztf-phased-lc.pngdde215-brir5x5.jpg

Таблица с пометками, требующими исправления

#NameOtherCoord (J2000)TypeMaxMinSystemPeriodEpoch (JD)typeSpCommentL.CurveFind.ChartData
1Karachurin 122MASS J17271078+6145278 USNO-B1.0 1517-024642717 27 10.80 +61 45 27.8UGZ13.814.9 VVB2ZTF18aakvuwyfind.chart
2Karachurin 142MASS J15114699-3456483 GSC2.3 S9H6047915 USNO-B1.0 0550-034496515 11 46.99 -34 56 48.4NL/VY:13.9 CV17.4 VCV/VGaia DR2 parallax 1.2295 ± 0.1837 mas (distance 0.81 ± 0.13 kpc).find.chart
3Karachurin 152MASS J23164323+0116401 USNO-B1.0 0912-0566706 ZTF18abtxxag ZTF18abzyqas23 16 43.23 +01 16 40.2UGZ/IW+VY13.713.4 g18.9 ggZTF18abzyqas, ZTF18abtxxag fc.jpgfind.chart
4Karachurin 162MASS J12452340-3509562 GSC2.3 S6J5013792 USNO-B1.0 0548-027871812 45 23.43 23.41 -35 09 56.4UG15.618.7 CVCVGaia DR2 parallax 0.60 ± 0.08 mas (distance 1.6 ± 0.2 kpc).find.chart
5Khrapov 1USNO-B1.0 1398-006814502 40 49.85 +49 51 54.9CV UG+VY:16.518.3 20.0 rrZTF18aabezubGaia DR2 derived MV=+7.3. ZTF18aabezubfind.chart
6Khrapov 22MASS J07202922+4916255 USNO-B1.0 1392-018524607 20 29.21 +49 16 25.7AM:16.319.0 CVCVGaia parallax = 2.05+/-0.15 mas (distance = 487+/-36 pc).find.chart
7RSMR 12MASS J06365507+5557406 USNO-B1.0 1459-017653606 36 55.05 +55 57 40.7NL/VY17.4 17.118.5 21.0 ggZTF18aabhjpnGaia parallax = 2.51+/-0.25 mas (distance = 398+/-40 pc). ZTF18aabhjpnfind.chart
8MEM 1USNO-B1.0 1069-014480407 16 17.95 +16 59 35.2CV16.419.6 VV find.chart, animation
9LANAT 12MASS J22114319+5214336 USNO-B1.0 1422-049041422 11 43.20 +52 14 33.7UGZ:15.518.4 ggemLANAT1-BRIR.jpg Discovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. Standstill in ZTF data during MJD= 58217-58270. ZTF17aaawrktfind.chart
10LANAT 22MASS J00145862+5941048 USNO-B1.0 1496-000783400 14 58.62 +59 41 04.7UG17.019.4 ggemDiscovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. ZTF17aaaedfifind.chart
11Exuzyan 1USNO-B1.0 1297-015286605 38 50.21 +39 45 42.6UGSU17.320.8 ggemDiscovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. ZTF18aaaedcdfind.chartZTF18aaaedcd
12Exuzyan 22MASS J05101653+4021571 GSC2.3 NCA4018258 GSC2.3 NCA4067993 USNO-B1.0 1303-011821905 10 16.55 +40 21 57.1UG16.519.7 ggemIn outburst in GSC2.3 (Bjmag. 15.6). Discovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. ZTF17aabizrqfind.chart
13Exuzyan 3USNO-B1.0 1460-044813923 19 15.81 +56 02 01.7NL17.118.2 ggDiscovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp. ZTF18abblvfkfind.chart
14Exuzyan 4USNO-B1.0 1269-048236220 43 35.40 +36 54 48.0CV18.119.6 rremDiscovered during Moscow State University's LANAT summer camp.find.chartZTF18aazfitj
15Mazepa 1USNO-B1.0 1457-038698722 07 09.64 +55 46 44.8UG17.721.0 ggfind.chart
16Mazepa 22MASS J08023224+0102426 USNO-B1.0 0910-015810808 02 32.24 +01 02 42.4NL+E16.820.2: gg0.203860 d (4.8926 h)18 Nov 2018 (HJD 2458441.078)FUV-NUV=-0.04 (GALEX DR6). Eclipse on 1954-12-04 POSS-I Blue plate. ZTF18aaabozqfind.chart
17Rybka 1GSC2.3 N9PR035518 USNO-B1.0 1262-011418905 49 22.95 +36 13 26.6UG17.821.6 rremOutbursts on 1986-12-29 blue and 1989-11-19 infrared DSS plates. ZTF18aabrzcz (not in database)find.chart
18Rybka 2GSC2.3 N2YH012776 USNO-B1.0 1304-047960022 31 37.46 +40 29 43.3UGSU+E17.6 16.320.5 21.1 gg0.0819486 d (118.0060 min)26 Oct 2021 (HJD 2459513.8834)minOutburst on 1989-09-03 DSS red plate.find.chart
19Dizepa 1GSC2.3 N2UB12257722 24 23.84 +51 30 34.0UG17.621.7 rrZTF18abnnidi 
20APA-V1GSC2.3 N2MT038918 USNO-B1.0 1115-055739921 20 09.80 +21 31 26.9UGSU:15.221.2 rrZTF18abccnddZTF18abccnddfind.chartZTF18abccndd
21Shcheglov 1SDSS J010748.50+471159.2 URAT1 686-02341501 07 48.50 +47 11 59.2UG17.2 g21.8 rg/rOutburst on 2013 Oct. 02 Pan-STARRS1 images.find.chart
22Dizepa 2GSC2.3 NAGC012765 USNO-B1.0 1700-000938402 02 00.00 +80 00 48.7UG17.420.6 rr find.chart
23Taya 2GSC2.3 N2Q5048029 USNO-B1.0 1118-055657721 01 30.22 +21 48 56.3UG18.3 g22.2 Bg/BMaximum magnitude from ZTF data, minimum magnitude from GSC2.3.Taya2-PS-ZTF-LC.gifTaya2-BRIR5x5.jpg
24Minkovskiy 1GSC2.3 N2PF08343620 36 39.38 +20 17 43.6UG17.0 R22.7 iR/iDiscovered by 9th-grade student Artur Minkovskiy on DSS images. Outburst on 1992-08-31 POSS-II Red plate. Another outburst on 2011 July 19 - Aug. 06 Pan-STARRS1 images. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1.Minkovskiy1-PS-LC.gifMinkovskiy1-2-BRIR.jpg
25Minkovskiy 2GSC2.3 N2PD005009 USNO-B1.0 1103-0549124 ZTF18abktuwb20 36 28.42 +20 19 26.6UGZ/IW16.819.4 ggDiscovered by 9th-grade student Artur Minkovskiy on DSS plates 3' WNW of Minkovskiy 1. Type and period in 2017AJ....153..204S are incorrect. Light curve of Minkovskiy 2 from ATLAS data in c and o filters. Light curve of Minkovskiy 2 from ZTF data in g and r filters. ZTF18abktuwb, ZTF18adqqrtmMinkovskiy2-ATLAS-LC, Minkovskiy2-ZTF-LCMinkovskiy1-2-BRIR
26Minkovskiy 3GSC2.3 N24L032316 ZTF18abbxjgd18 43 20.52 +29 12 48.9UG17.921.7 rr

Outburst on 1989-05-04 POSS-II Red plate. ZTF18abbxjgd

27Minkovskiy 4GSC2.3 N2FH192786 USNO-B1.0 1178-051779019 38 13.32 +27 53 03.8EA18.820.4 rr2.00376 d07 Aug 2019 (HJD 2458702.798)Eclipse on 1988-07-14 POSS-II Blue platefind.chart
28Minkovskiy 52MASS J18335246+0644492 GSC2.3 N1RY045562 USNO-B1.0 0967-040089418 33 52.48 +06 44 49.3EA17.418.8 rr1.68741 d02 Jul 2019 (HJD 2458667.166) find.chart
29Minkovskiy 62MASS J18162799+0319295 GSC2.3 N1MN07530018 16 27.99 +03 19 29.6EA/WD17.4117.73 rr0.2428935 d (5.82944 h)25 Jan 2019 (HJD 2458509.09)Min II = 17.56r. FUV-NUV = -0.22 (GALEX).find.chart
30Shcheglov 3GSC2.3 S90L03394615 26 27.34 -23 01 43.4UG17.6 B22.7 rB/rOutburst on 1976-05-21 Blue DSS plate. Maximum magnitude from GSC2.3. Minimum magnitude from Pan-STARRS1--Shcheglov3-JRIR.jpg
31Minkovskiy 7GSC2.3 N1MA04663118 18 19.78 +03 58 15.0UG17.221.5 rrMinkovskiy, ArturOutburst on 1993-05-27 POSS-II Red plate. ZTF18abrxeopfind.chart ZTF18abrxeop
32Minkovskiy 82MASS J18153954+0534220 GSC2.3 N1M9059733 USNO-B1.0 0955-034672518 15 39.55 +05 34 22.0EA16.418.2 rr1.875252 d28 Jan 2019 (HJD 2458511.519)Eclipse on 1993-05-27 POSS-II Red plate.find.chart
33Minkovskiy 92MASS J17451072-1850332 GSC2.3 S809006801 USNO-B1.0 0711-048757617 45 10.72 -18 50 33.2M13.617.2 oo381 381 d07 Nov 2020 (HJD 2459161) find.chart
34Minkovskiy 10GSC2.3 N24J02038718 47 49.12 +25 33 09.2UG17.821.4 ggZTF18absaricminkovskiy10-lc.pngminkovskiy10-brir.jpg
35Minkovskiy 112MASS J19451406+3329280 GSC2.3 N2GT212052 USNO-B1.0 1234-039012219 45 14.06 +33 29 28.6EA18.320.7 gg2.643264 d15 May 2019 (HJD 2458619.412) find.chart
36Minkovskiy 12GSC2.3 N2GT210710 USNO-B1.0 1234-039109919 45 29.06 +33 28 15.6UG15.4 g19.8 Gg/Gfind.chart
37Minkovskiy 13GSC2.3 N2GM15253419 33 27.00 +32 52 49.2UG18.222.8: rrOutburst on 1988-06-12 POSS-II blue plate.find.chart
38DAV V1Lee 284 2MASS J05475413+5023364 DO 29668 USNO-B1.0 1403-016178005 47 54.12 +50 23 36.6L10.411.4 VVC5+,4 find.chart
39DAV V2GSC2.3 N7JO00229011 26 35.53 +49 25 04.3UG15.1 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1995-04-24 POSS-II blue plate.find.chart
40DAV V3 ATO J073.5027+54.54202MASS J04540067+5432313 USNO-B1.0 1445-014331304 54 00.67 +54 32 31.3SR13.013.4 rr38.7 d12 Sep 2020 (HJD 2459105.0)Light curve from ZTF data in g and r filters. Light curve from ZTF data folded with the best pulsation perioddavv3-ztf-lc.png davv3-ztf-phased_lc.pngdavv3-brir.jpg
41Lisniak 12MASS J18152196+0547464 GSC2.3 N1M2013208 USNO-B1.0 0957-034739118 15 21.97 +05 47 46.6SR14.415.1 rr59.6 d23 Jul 2020 (HJD 2459054.0)J-K= 1.4 (2MASS).find.chart
42Kachalin 32MASS J18152230+0544236 USNO-B1.0 0957-034739618 15 22.31 +05 44 23.7BY16.516.7 rr6.801 d29 Sep 2018 (HJD 2458390.62) find.chart
43Minkovskiy 14GSC2.3 N2JL076237 USNO-B1.0 1267-033299919 13 49.42 +36 44 25.7UGSU:17.521.4 rrOutburst on 1989-07-01 POSS-II Blue plate. ZTF19aaumqlefind.chart
44KazakevichOA 1GSC2.3 N1YT06244820 00 02.87 +10 27 37.2UG17.3<23 rrOutburst on 1991-07-17 POSS-II red plate. ZTF19aavhrupfind.chart
45Minkovskiy 152MASS J18420998+1305215 GSC2.3 N28J098717 USNO-B1.0 1030-039878418 42 09.98 +13 05 21.7EA17.4218.2 18.2 rr1.3870743 d17 Oct 2019 (HJD 2458773.595) find.chart
46Minkovskiy 162MASS J19534454+3838432 GSC2.3 N2FQ131991 USNO-B1.0 1286-036968519 53 44.55 +38 38 43.4EA17.518.8 rr5.1837 d08 Oct 2019 (HJD 2458764.707) find.chart
47Minkovskiy 17USNO-B1.0 1252-041751120 40 16.47 +35 12 45.6EA17.118.7 rr6.2529 d15 May 2020 (HJD 2458985.104) find.chart
48Shustov 12MASS J20524358+4939259 GSC2.3 N30U027050 USNO-B1.0 1396-037300520 52 43.59 +49 39 26.1SR16.917.8 rr79.3 d18 Jun 2018 (HJD 2458288.0)P2=635 d, Epoch2=2458340.find.chart
49KazakevichOA 2GSC2.3 N1XM07345219 57 29.77 +10 22 20.2UG19.223: rrOutburst on 1990-07-27 POSS-II Blue plate.find.chart
50Minkovskiy 182MASS J20435282+3208022 GSC2.3 N34O008205 USNO-B1.0 1221-058574720 43 52.87 +32 08 02.6EA18.220.7: gg2.993 d15 May 2019 (HJD 2458618.64) find.chart
51Minkovskiy 192MASS J19435233+1421335 GSC2.3 N1UL022715 USNO-B1.0 1043-051657119 43 52.35 +14 21 33.6EA18.120.3 gg2.087 d12 Aug 2018 (HJD 2458343.29) find.chart
52KazakevichOA 3GSC2.3 N1WD04951720 01 44.96 +00 46 59.1UG16.8 16.6 B23: gB/gOutburst on 1982-08-16 SERC-J plate.find.chart
53DAV V4GSC2.3 S02201703300 06 20.22 -17 38 42.7UG17.8 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1977-11-04 DSS blue plate.find.chart
54KazakevichOA 4GSC2.3 S9YD04851619 57 44.32 -01 42 20.7UG15.5 B22.1 gB/gOutburst on 1982-08-16 SERC-J platefind.chart
55Minkovskiy 20GSC2.3 N2IX118496 USNO-B1.0 1299-035858919 50 10.14 +39 57 51.2EA19.621.5: gg2.251327 d20 Nov 2020 (HJD 2459174.27) find.chart
56Gusev 12MASS J21383674+4855010 GSC2.3 N2UZ130652 USNO-B1.0 1389-041293421 38 36.74 +48 55 01.1M16.318.4 rr445 d10 May 2018 (HJD 2458249)C: find.chart
57Lisniak 22MASS J17443645+1316141 GSC2.3 N38Q018052 USNO-B1.0 1032-030767517 44 36.45 +13 16 13.9NL17.417.6 rrFUV-NUV=-0.54 (GALEX DR5). M_abs=+5.5 (Gaia EDR3).find.chart
58Minkovskiy 212MASS J18421898+1253090 GSC2.3 N28G148621 USNO-B1.0 1028-043952618 42 18.99 +12 53 09.2EA17.0619.4: rr3.2214 d31 Mar 2020 (HJD 2458939.76) find.chart
59DAV V5GSC2.3 S5IO01668010 47 38.47 -17 21 36.9UG19.4 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1984-01-30 POSS-II blue plate.find.chart
60Lisniak 3USNO-B1.0 0758-067774419 36 37.53 -14 08 30.4UG16.4 16.4 B23.7 23.7 gB/gOutburst on 1980-07-12 Blue DSS plate.find.chart
61Gusev 32MASS J21224796+4935165 GSC2.3 N2TJ075654 USNO-B1.0 1395-039674521 22 47.96 +49 35 16.5M15.2 Rc19.9 19.9 rRc/gJ-K=3.1 (2MASS).find.chart
62DAV V62MASS J17120525-2441429 GSC2.3 S8CW005608 USNO-B1.0 0653-042849517 12 05.25 -24 41 42.8SR15.215.7 rr127 d09 Apr 2019 (HJD 2458583)P2=112, Epoch2=2458572find.chart
63Baraldi 12MASS J06063044+3455254 GSC2.3 N8B7013479 USNO-B1.0 1249-012103606 06 30.45 +34 55 25.4UV17.520.1 BBM4.5Flare on 1997-03-10 Blue DSS plate.find.chart
64BhaNaViRa 1PSO J194629.686+115207.601 ZTF18acwrtad 19 46 29.68 +11 52 07.4UG17.823: rrOutburst on 1990-08-13 POSS-II Blue platefind.chart
65DAV V72MASS J19570232+3034423 GSC2.3 N32G19166619 57 02.33 +30 34 42.4M14.8<18.0 ii328 d15 Aug 2020 (HJD 2459077) find.chart
66Minkovskiy 22GSC2.3 SA5J06267919 30 13.33 -08 07 53.7NL+E:19.321.7 rr find.chart
67BhaNaViRa 22MASS J20363987+3539141 USNO-B1.0 1256-041700420 36 39.87 +35 39 14.0SR15.817.2 rr912 d07 Jun 2022 (HJD 2459738)Elements in the table are for the minima of the Long Secondary Period (LSP). Also pulsations with P= 112 d.find.chart
68DAV V82MASS J18485565+0305063 GSC2.3 N1NT03004518 48 55.66 +03 05 06.3M15.7<18.5 ii346 OGLE? 361.6 d16 Sep 2018 (HJD 2458378.0) find.chart
69DAV V92MASS J18290234-0825394 GSC2.3 S9OF07451818 29 02.35 -08 25 39.5M16.1<18.9 ii358 359.5 d25 Aug 2020 (HJD 2459087.0) find.chart
70DAV V102MASS J18493478+0323473 GSC2.3 N1NV03512218 49 34.79 +03 23 47.2M>16.118.5 ii find.chart
71Minkovskiy 232MASS J19431861+3310081 GSC2.3 N2GV043397 USNO-B1.0 1231-043352319 43 18.63 +33 10 08.0EA17.5219.9 gg2.7129 d11 Aug 2018 (HJD 2458342.4) find.chart
72Lisniak 4GSC2.3 S9NX02555318 14 29.38 -08 38 15.0UG16.7 B23: gB/g find.chart
73DAV V112MASS J18505837+0153276 GSC2.3 N1NZ02822318 50 58.38 +01 53 27.6M17.5:20.7: ii07 Oct 2020 (HJD 2459130): find.chart
74BhaNaViRa 32MASS J10155540-0540052 GSC2.3 S52U003612 USNO-B1.0 0843-020900610 15 55.40 -05 40 05.1UV17.6 R20.2 GR/GFlare on 1986-03-31 POSS-II Red plate.find.chart
75Gusev 42MASS J21224020+4935392 GSC2.3 N2TJ035177 USNO-B1.0 1395-039664821 22 40.21 +49 35 39.2EA17.3<21.0 rr2.0475 d15 Oct 2019 (HJD 2458772.32) find.chart
76BhaNaViRa 5GSC2.3 N347071005 USNO-B1.0 1255-042041020 37 46.47 +35 30 12.3UG|YSO:19.3 B22.3 gB/gBrighter on 1989-06-30 POSS-II blue plate.find.chart
77Arinkin 12MASS J03032084+6029284 USNO-B1.0 1504-010250903 03 20.83 +60 29 28.4YSO16.917.4 rrB7.0 find.chart
78DAV V12Gaia DR3 4095182738993295104 18 02 59.78 -19 58 45.5L17.618.4 iiUncertain identiification. 0.8" pair of red stars. The NW component, brighter (G= 19.2) in Gaia DR3, has been chosen as the variable. The other star is 2MASS J18025980-1958459 (G= 19.5). Combined range given.find.chart
79BhaNaViRa 6GSC2.3 NAPK01820805 56 14.92 +50 31 55.0SN|UG18.1 R<23 rR/rOutburst on 1989-12-04 POSS-II Red plate. 24'' NE from the center of the galaxy 2MASX J05561281+5031408.find.chart
80DAV V132MASS J18281545-1318372 GSC2.3 S9JW10182818 28 15.45 -13 18 37.2L17.417.6 ii find.chart
81BhaNaViRa 4GSC2.3 N3QT00559916 01 30.44 +08 01 09.0UG:17.9 R<24 rR/rOutburst on 1989-04-08 POSS-II Red plate.find.chart
82BhaNaViRa 7Gaia DR3 202546940389971801619 36 22.41 +28 15 29.0UG17.2 CR20.4 rCR/rfind.chart
83DAV V142MASS J19120236+0834324 GSC2.3 N2BI13723719 12 02.36 +08 34 32.4L18.619.6: ii find.chart
84Vizgin 12MASS J18245594-101438918 24 55.94 -10 14 39.0YSO:18.720.1: ii find.chart
85BhaNaViRa 8 Gaia DR3 20566070234081052162MASS J20351475+3513598 GSC2.3 N346015798 USNO-B1.0 1252-041121120 35 14.76 +35 13 59.7SRB14.014.7 rr68 d20 Jun 2019 (HJD 2458655)Other period 82 days.find.chart
86BhaNaViRa 9Gaia DR3 204544708348095436819 38 32.77 +32 58 11.0UG17.4 B21.6 gB/gfind.chart
87BhaNaViRa 102MASS J06343849+0413088 GSC2.3 N83301400106 34 38.49 +04 13 08.9YSO19.420.7 rr find.chart
88DAV V152MASS J17573051-1847430 USNO-B1.0 0712-051873017 57 30.52 -18 47 43.1L18.019.9 ii find.chart
89BhaNaViRa 112MASS J18123068-1746159 GSC2.3 S9J903971318 12 30.68 -17 46 15.8L16.817.0 iiM find.chart
90BhaNaViRa 12GSC2.3 S9M809764718 51 14.76 -05 09 24.0UG:17.0 B23.8 rB/rfind.chart
91Vizgin 22MASS J19443022+233451019 44 30.21 +23 34 50.8YSO19.621.3 rr find.chart
92BhaNaViRa 142MASS J18055611-213500818 05 56.12 -21 35 00.8YSO18.619.8 iiBhaNaViRa14-ZTF-LC.gif--
93Vizgin 32MASS J18281469-0341187 GSC2.3 S9IJ02462918 28 14.70 -03 41 18.6L18.518.7 ii find.chart
94BhaNaViRa 152MASS J18275006-131555418 27 50.06 -13 15 55.3YSO17.518.6 iifind.chart
95BhaNaViRa 16GSC2.3 N5Z4013338 USNO-B1.0 1443-023904215 03 04.78 +54 22 30.2UV+BY16.617.6 ggM4VZTF18aaqmvjxfind.chart
96BhaNaViRa 17GSC2.3 N2FJ08639119 40 08.77 +28 58 03.9UG:17.4 R<23 rR/rfind.chart
97ShatalovaJ 12MASS J15552271+2645028 GSC2.3 N64V003636 USNO-B1.0 1167-026631215 55 22.64 +26 45 02.7UV19.3 B21.9 gB/gM5.0VFlare on 1990-05-17 Blue DSS plate.find.chart
98Lisniak 5GSC2.3 N5CO01110013 16 11.48 +23 17 17.4UG17.5 B<23 gB/g find.chart
99BhaNaViRa 13GSC2.3 SA5J05462319 30 54.39 -08 24 23.4VAR18.1 B24.3 gB/gOutburst on 1983-07-14 DSS blue plate. // Подаем в ПЗП однозначно! Uncertain identification. Object looks too red for a dwarf nova and is 1" to the WSW of the GSC2.3 position.find.chart
100BhaNaViRa 182MASS J14201486+5722219 GSC2.3 N48Q003240 USNO-B1.0 1473-029150214 20 14.87 +57 22 21.9UV15.818.6 ggM4V find.chart
101BhaNaViRa 19GSC2.2 N023330362558 19 10 14.68 +17 05 15.3UG:18.9 B22: gB/gThe object's magnitude in GSC2.2 is the same as the GSC2.3 magnitude (18.86) for GSC2.3 N2CZ062558, which is 1.0" to the E. PS1find.chart
102DAV V16GSC2.3 S04L00677000 57 58.42 -06 23 24.2SN:18.5 B<24.5: rB/rOutburst on 1982-11-19 DSS blue plate. DES J005758.40-062323.8, classified as a galaxy, is 0.4" away from the GSC2.3 position.find.chart
103BhaNaViRa 20GSC2.2 S222232093763 16 37 29.31 -28 41 41.6UG:18.4 B<23 gB/g find.chart
104BhaNaViRa 212MASS J18274991-1315522 GSC2.3 S9JW102186 USNO-B1.0 0767-050685918 27 49.91 -13 15 52.2YSO18.019.0 rrfind.chart
105BhaNaViRa 222MASS J18041531-2101328 GSC2.3 S9J704592318 04 15.31 -21 01 32.9SR15.816.0 ii41 d28 May 2020 (HJD 2458998) find.chart
106DAV V17GSC2.3 SBLR00928822 44 47.48 -28 07 22.2UG:16.2 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1980-09-30 DSS blue plate.find.chart
107DAV V18GSC2.3 S34J01341002 59 10.89 -27 32 35.5SN:18.4 B<23 gB/gOutburst on 1977-12-12 DSS blue plate.find.chart
108BhaNaViRa 252MASS J18074942-2155576 GSC2.3 SA6B009713 USNO-B1.0 0680-064936518 07 49.43 -21 55 57.7SR15.816.1 rr32.6 d03 Aug 2019 (HJD 2458698.6) find.chart
109BhaNaViRa 232MASS J18032071-2052521 GSC2.3 S9J7010983 USNO-B1.0 0691-057272218 03 20.72 -20 52 52.3L16.8816.97 rr find.chart
110BhaNaViRa 242MASS J18034395-2036518 GSC2.3 S9J704683318 03 43.96 -20 36 51.9L15.615.9 ii find.chart
111BhaNaViRa 262MASS J18024763-2015037 GSC2.3 S9J604479718 02 47.64 -20 15 03.7L15.015.2 ii find.chart
112BhaNaViRa 272MASS J18031038-2051508 GSC2.3 S9J7046306 USNO-B1.0 0691-057237718 03 10.38 -20 51 51.1L16.5516.71 ii 
113BhaNaViRa 282MASS J18274029-0327053 GSC2.3 S9IJ02472318 27 40.30 -03 27 05.5L17.2017.46 ii  
114Brodskaya 1PSO J114739.493+612535.053 11 47 39.49 +61 25 35.0UV18.724.3: rrFlare on PanSTARRS-1 red image on 2012 Mar. 28.
1DDE 2032MASS J19442324+0603253 USNO-B1.0 0960-048121319 44 23.26 +06 03 25.3EA16.7620.2 gg1.662489 d25 Jun 2019 (HJD 2458660.246)Eclipses on 1993-06-16 POSS-II Red plate and on 1982-06-24 Quick-V plate. Light curve from ZTF data folded with the best orbital periodDDE203-ZTF-phased_LC.gifDDE203-BRIR5x5.jpg
2DDE 204ZTF18abuclqiGSC2.3 N1XW03438920 16 48.60 +06 01 36.7UG17.921.8 ggOutburst on 1988-07-08 POSS-II Blue plate. Light curve from ZTF data in r filterDDE204-ZTF-LC.gifDDE204-BRIR5x5.jpg
3DDE 2052MASS J19255660+0609479 USNO-B1.0 0961-043894119 25 56.61 +06 09 47.9EA16.7 r! (17.4)20.3: gg2.470008 d30 Mar 2018 (HJD 2458208.048)Eclipse on 1992-08-01 POSS-II Red plate.find.chart
4DDE 206USNO-B1.0 0733-009611306 11 39.28 -16 37 47.3EA/HW18.2<20.0 gg0.1124801 d (2.69952 h)13 Jan 2020 (HJD 2458861.892)Reflection effect amplitude 0.25 mag.find.chart
5DDE 2072MASS J19193618+0643468 USNO-B1.0 0967-045389419 19 36.19 +06 43 46.8EA17.218.9 gg3.82714 d20 Nov 2020 (HJD 2459173.649)Eclipse on 1992-08-01 POSS-II Red plate.find.chart
6DDE 208 ATO J108.2755-08.75612MASS J07130613-0845218 USNO-B1.0 0812-012992807 13 06.13 -08 45 22.0 CV AM16.215.818.419.2 rr0.0829019 d (119.3787 min)01 Nov 2017 (HJD 2458059.029)Minimum epoch is given. Maxima at phases 0.25 and 0.83, Min II = 17.8 g at phase 0.37. Shape of the light curve is varying.find.chart
7DDE 2092MASS J20573222-1804567 USNO-B1.0 0719-105725320 57 32.22 -18 04 56.9CV NL14.314.5 rrFUV-NUV=-0.47 (GALEX). M_abs=+5.5 (Gaia EDR3).find.chart
8DDE 210GSC2.3 N2QK04358820 48 33.58 +14 42 06.0UG15.9 R22.8 rR/rOutbursts on 1990-08-17 POSS-II Red and 1993-07-13 IR plates.find.chart
9DDE 211GSC2.3 N38M019705 USNO-B1.0 1046-031480617 57 24.21 +14 40 16.5UG17.520.5 ggOutburst on 1992-06-28 POSS-II Blue plate.find.chart
10DDE 212USNO-B1.0 1090-027310717 25 22.21 +19 00 49.1HADS18.418.8 cc0.0563777 d (81.1839 min)22 May 2020 (HJD 2458992.151)find.chart
11DDE 213GSC2.3 N2DB11928119 07 08.08 +15 40 33.0UG18.220.1 21.1 ggOutburst on 1990-06-22 POSS-II Blue plate.find.chart
12DDE 214GSC2.3 N2OU07145920 29 32.88 +15 46 31.6UG18.223.5: rrOutburst on 1990-06-22 POSS-II Blue plate.find.chart
13DDE 2152MASS J18350035+1427311 USNO-B1.0 1044-036058318 35 00.36 +14 27 31.2EA17.018.7 gg1.324065 d 13 Nov 2020 (HJD 2459167.119)Eclipses on 1990-06-21 and 1990-06-25 POSS-II Blue plates.find.chart

Original tables and data by Denis Denisenko (d.v.denisenko@gmail.com)




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